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When is SuperColony coming out?
Demo in 2025, Steam full release is TBD.
What languages the game available in?
English, Russian to start. Others TBD.
Is there a BETA I can become a tester in?
We're glad you asked! There will be, and we will post the link here when it's available.
Where can I download your game?
When we launch it will be on Steam. Eventually Nintendo Switch. We will have a closed beta on Kickstarter. Keep track of our social media for announcements.
How much will SuperColony cost?
Our current plan is 29.99$ on Steam.
Where can I post feature suggestions?
We will update our Website to support this and there will be a section within our Steam Community page here.
What is the age rating for SuperColony?
SuperColony has is rated (E) for Everyone.
Can I buy in-game items with real money?
No and this is not a feature we intend on adding for Steam.
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